Points North
on May 07, 2022 in News

Press Release: Gratify – Take care of your team

This is a press release for our new project, Gratify.

[BALTIMORE, MD, MAY 2022] On the heels of the global pandemic, many of us were forced to think about what was important to us and how we spend our time. For many Americans, this included joining the great resignation. According to the Pew Research Center, The nation’s “quit rate” reached a 20-year high last November. Their survey finds that low pay, a lack of opportunities for advancement and feeling disrespected at work are the top reasons why Americans quit their jobs last year. Behavior Analysis News says “Employee retention is necessary for any business to thrive. Retention is tied to employee happiness, motivation, and value.”

Jessica Watson, CEO of Points North, has seen first-hand what it looks like when people are valued and appreciated. She echoes this in the cards she sends out to team members on their birthdays, and notes of appreciation that are Sent to clients. But Points North is a small studio, and that level of detail is not necessarily scalable. Over the past 2 years, Watson has been working with a fellow tech colleague to create a platform that makes it easy for leaders to appreciate their teams, without losing that personal touch.

Gratify empowers companies to put their best foot forward by making it easy to celebrate their teams. Gratify focuses on sending thoughtfully designed messages in the form of personalized greeting cards meant to celebrate milestones and to remind team members how important they are. Company leaders can upload their team roster, including birthdates and work anniversaries. After making a few selections for personality and style, Gratify sends personalized messages to their team on their behalf. And those messages come in the form of fun greeting cards mailed directly to their door. For busy business leaders looking to foster supportive work environments, this is something that they can set and forget.

“It’s so important when running a team to show you care about the points in time that matter to your team,” says customer Mike S., CEO of Andros. “Before we found Gratify, we were inconsistent at sending birthday cards and celebrating anniversaries. Now every employee knows how much I appreciate them. It’s like having a superpower.”

“Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my 2nd year anniversary,” writes Wendy, an employee of Andros. “That was a very special and unexpected touch.”

Now more than ever, the messages we receive in our day-to-day lives matter. They impact how we perform and how we contribute to company goals. Gratify is using automation with a personal touch to ensure the thoughtful communication that helps teams thrive. We are enabling teams to develop and nurture meaningful relationships through personalized messages at scale.

For more information about Gratify, please visit www.withgratify.com

CONTACT: Jessica Watson, Gratify Co-Founder
EMAIL: jw@pointsnorthstudio.com

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