Points North
on May 30, 2017 in News

6/14 – Have A Nice Day Project: Handlebar Cafe

Join us on Wednesday, June 14 from 6-8PM to mix and mingle with good peeps and rock out one of the coolest give back projects in Baltimore.

511 S Caroline Street, Baltimore MD 21231
Visit their website

We’ve ordered a bulk supply of blank coffee sleeves. While enjoying good food, drinks, and conversation, we’ll be tasked with filling those sleeves with positive message, quotes, jokes, fun pictures and more.

We’re donating them to locally owned Handlebar Cafe (Douglass Place) and Kobe Cafe (Federal Hill). They will use those sleeves until they are gone, distributing them with coffee orders to their patrons throughout the week. How awesome will it be for someone to go to their favorite coffee shop, place their usual order, look down and see a fun message from you?

1. Yourself, and your appetite for food and cocktails because The Handlebar Cafe has a woodfire oven for pizza and the best burritos in town waiting for you.
2. We’ll have some markers. If you want to bring your own or donate some supplies to the lot, we would think the world of you.

Evening garage on Eden Street (next block over)
On street metered and residential parking
Bike rack in front of Handlebar Cafe

Sign up to join in on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/events/461509534191642

Check out our fancy new website too for this project.


Jul 14, 2013

Online Shop Now Open

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