Points North
on Feb 05, 2020 in News

28 Days of Kindness in Full Swing – 5 Years Running

We believe one good deed deserves another.

Are you following our annual month-long challenge of kindness over on Facebook? It’s an online event where we encourage you to seek out ways that you can be kind, and be the change you want to see in your comunity. We’re going strong, with people checking in from South Africa, Portugal, Tijuana, South Africa, Kenya, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and the United States.


28 Days of Kindness is a global initiative to promote awareness of doing good deeds for others. While you can easily share the love on any day or month of the year, we chose February for our month long virtual event.


February is a month already associated with love in the minds of many. It’s also the month of Valentine’s Day.

Our goal is to remind people that no matter where they are in their lives, there are ways to realize and enjoy the love and kindness they have all around them.

Every day, for the entire month of February, we’ll be posting quotes, ideas, and stories of good deeds happening around the world. We want to inspire people to go make somebody’s day, and we promise it’s a lot easier than you think.


Through our own personal experience, it’s sometimes the little things that have the biggest impact. You can make someone’s day simply by buying their cup of coffee, offering to pay for a meal, sending them a card in the mail, or even making a phone call to let them know their thought of. With enough good deeds, we can make a difference.


Mosey on over to our Facebook page to learn how you can help spread the word and join us online. You can also easily click on one of the two icons over on the right, to join our month-long Facebook event, and to follow the Twitter hashtag of awesomeness happening all over the world. Now, go forth and be kind.


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